what is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is the practice of finding and removing spinal subluxation in order to allow the body's full life and healing potential to be expressed. A chiropractor is a doctor of the nervous system.
Subluxation is the occurrence of spinal misalignment, interrupting the nerve communication from the brain to the body; inhibiting the body's innate intelligence to function and heal.
Subluxation is caused by stress. There are 3 types of stress we face: chemical, physical, and emotional. Chemical stress is due to environmental toxins, processed foods and sugars, and medicine/drugs. Physical stress is seen in strains, falls, poor posture, poor sleep positions, accidents, etc. Emotional stress is from strong feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety. Because stress is unavoidable, subluxation, in the long term, is unavoidable, which is why chiropractic is for everyone!
Innate intelligence is the life energy which inhabits all living beings that governs every single act in the body. It is the body's self-healing and self-functioning life force. This is why we often say your body knows more than you do! Our innate intelligence is designed to express life, energy and wellness. This is why your body is able to heal cuts, scrapes, broken bones, fight infections- all on its own without anyone telling it what to do!
“The power that made the body, heals the body.”
Your nervous system consists of 3 components: your brain, your spinal cord, and your nerves. There are 3 types of nerves: motor, sensory, and autonomic. We are good at being aware of our sensory nerves, those feel pain! We are able to keep an eye on our motor nerves, that is how we have controlled, functional motion. But what about our autonomic nervous system? This is what controls each organ function that happens below the surface: it tells your heart to beat, your lungs to breathe, your stomach to digest, your kidneys to function, your blood to fight and oxygenate.
Sensory nerves only make up about 10% of the nerves in your body. If chiropractic was just about pain, we would be in bad shape! How can pain be a gauge for wellness when only 10% of your nerves feel the pain? The rest of those nerves are for function, and we can’t feel those nerves! Subluxation becomes dis-ease.
Your autonomic nervous system is made up of two sub-systems: sympathetic and parasympathetic. Sympathetic is your “fight or flight” system- it prepares the body for stress and strain. Parasympathetic is your “rest and digest” state- it regulates normal and continuous function. Chronic subluxation often brings the autonomic nerves into a continuous sympathetic state, causing further dis-ease, unrest, and anxiety.
“Look well to the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases.”
Our mission in providing chiropractic care is to create the environment within the body where your Innate Intelligence can thrive and express its full healing and life-giving energy. We keep you aligned so you can live more fully!